Kim Howard ...

Kim’s art reflects her life-long passion for on location sketching/journaling, travel, beauty, sense of place and love of life. She is interested in the true heart of characters in this world, and most especially children and animals. Kim has a keen ability to capture the spirit and joy in her paintings and has worked in watercolor, acrylics and oils throughout her career.   Her early teachers, Elmer Bischoff and Joan Brown, both of the SF figurative school have influenced Kim’s work.  This is often reflected in her love of the narrative, documentary-style she developed in her 20's while working as an illustrator.  She has 22 children’s books to her credit, yet her art and mystery are most deeply expressed in her paintings which convey her deepest passions for animals, distant travel, and the future of our children. 

Kim is a passionate teacher, journal-keeper and outdoor adventurer. She shares her colorful world with her 20-year old artist-daughter and fellow traveler, Amelia Ruby, their golden retriever, Leika and her mobile “studio”, a VW camper.

Recent Publications

El Canto de la Vida - Song of Life

Un Circo Magico - A Magic Circus